
3D4 Kubus Cahaya Warna Cahaya Kubus Band Musik Spektrum CUBE444 MCU DIY Mengajar

USD 19.98

3D4 Kubus Cahaya Warna Cahaya Kubus Band Musik Spektrum CUBE444 MCU DIY Mengajar



Built with 5MM fog RGB LED lights, using a special algorithm to achieve red 64-level color gray, green 64-level color gray, blue 64-level color gray; total color is: 64 * 64 * 64 = 262144, 26 Millions of colors. And this is not an advanced microcontroller, just use STC microcontroller.

Provide schematic and learning program (drive interface) to facilitate secondary development.


Reason for selection:

1. Using the real 444 color light cube driven by STC microcontroller, the price is also high.

2. Provide schematics and learning procedures.

3. Real color animation effects, very cool.

4. A pcb can be realized in monochrome, two-color, and color light cubes.

5. Exclusive welding mold (only, exclusive creation)

6. Detailed production and welding video.

7. Use MIC to collect audio, you can also use audio line to collect; two kinds of random switching, there is no other than the other.



Condition : New

Origin : Mainland China

Type : Logic ICs
